Thursday, April 28, 2005

Do Catholics believe that Jesus is their Lord and Savior?

A Protestant asked: "Are catholics born again?"


She also asked: "Do they belive that only being saved thru Jesus will you get into heaven???"


The same Protestant said: "I ask these things because I only heard Jesus name mentioned twice each mass. That was during confession and doing the Trinity. So i am curious. Hmmm."

Perhaps you weren’t paying all that close attention. ;)

Let me go through the Order of the Mass and count the times Jesus' name is mentioned, then also count the times Jesus is referred to by the many other names we find in Scripture and apostolic tradition …

The Entrance Procession: during the entrance procession we all sing a hymn ---some even on key. ;) This hymn can be one of many hymns from the hymnal. However, one my parish often sings is called “Jesus Christ, Yesterday, Today and Forever.” In the refrain, “Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, yesterday, today and forever”, I count his name twice. In the rest of the song I see “savior,” “son of God,” “O radiant light,” “O sun divine” “alpha” “omega” “friend” “image of light sublime” “ever living Lord” “source of light” “compassionate one” “friend of the oppressed” … and some of these are repeated during the hymn. That brings the count to 7 without counting repetition in just the entrance hymn alone.

The Greeting. “In the name of the Father, and of the Son (that’s 8), and of the Holy Spirit.” “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (that’s 9) and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all”

The Penitential Rite. Most often sung in the ancient Greek at my parish: “Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison, Kyrie Eleison” which means “Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy Lord have Mercy” (that’s 10, 11, and 12).

The Gloria. Also sung in my parish. In it Christ is referred to as “Lord” “heavenly king” “Jesus Christ” “only son of the Father” “Lamb of God” “Holy One” “Most High” (that’s up to 18, not counting repetition)

Opening Prayer. This prayer varies, selecting one randomly from my missal (from the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time): “Lord, guide the course of world events and give your Church the joy and peace of seving it in freedom. We ask this though our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reighs with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.” (that’s up to 19)

The First Reading from Scripture. This typically comes from the Old Testament. No mention of Jesus there, however certainly pre-figured and prophesied.

The Psalms. Normally sung at my parish. Again, as this is from the Old Testament, there’s no mention of Jesus directly.

The Second Reading from Scripture. Lot’s of mention of Jesus Christ in this reading as it comes typically from one of the non-Gospel New Testament Readings. Let’s just make an estimate of 5 for the second reading. (that’s up to 24 times)

The Gospel Acclamation. Also sung as “Alleluia Alleluia” followed by a the cantor singing a something like “Christ took away our infirmities and bore our diseases,” and finishing with “Alleluia Alleluia” refrain. Typically Christ is mentioned at least once here (that’s up to 25 times).

The Gospel Reading. Introduces with “The Lord be with you” and also including a “Glory to you, Lord” (that’s up to 26 times). Then the reading of the Gospel, where I would guess another 5 times Christ is typically mentioned. (that’s up to 31 times)

Homily. This is where the priest speaks about how the above Scripture readings are applicable in our lives today. I’d estimate about 20 times where Christ is mentioned. (that’s up to 51 times).

The Profession of Faith (The Nicene Creed) Here he is referred to as “Jesus Christ” “Son of God” “Eternally Begotten of the Father” “Light from Light” “God from God” “Lord” (that’s up to 57 without repetition)

General Intercession. In this part of the mass, we offer prayers for those in need. After each prayer we say “Lord, hear our prayer” (that’s 58 times without repetition)

Before the preparation of the gifts, a tithe is collected. During which we sing another hymn, which typically mentions the name of Jesus about 5 times (that’s 63 times not counting repetition).

Preparation of the Altar and Gifts. We blessed the Eucharistic gifts of bread and wine. God the Father is mentioned, but not God the Son.

Prayer Over the Gifts. At the end of this prayer, we say “we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.” (that’s 64 times)

Eucharistic Prayer. There are several variation of this prayer, in a typical prayer Jesus is called “beloved Son” “Jesus Christ” “the Word through whom you made the Universe” “the Savior You sent to redeem us” “Holy Lord” “Hosanna in the Highest” with quite a few repetitions. (that’s 70 times not counting repetitions)

The Lord’s Prayer. After the Lord’s Prayer, we pray the Doxology: “Deliver us Lord from every evil and grant us peace in our day. In your mercy, keep us free from sin and protect us from all anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for our Savior Jesus Christ. For the Kingdom and the power and the glory are yours, now and forever.” (that’s 71 times)

The Sign of Peace. “Lord Jesus Christ (that’s 72) you said to your apostles, I leave you peace, my peace I give you. Look not on our sins but on the faith of your Church, and grant us the peace and unity of your kingdom where you live forever and ever” “The peace of the Lord (that’s 73) be with you always …”

Communion. The consecrated bread is broken and the Body and Blood of Christ are raised while we say the “Lamb of God”: “Lamb of God (that’s 74), you take away the sins of the world, happy are those who are called to this supper” then “Lord (that’s 75), I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed”

During the Eucharistic celebration we typically sing two more hymns. Depending on the hymn the number of times Jesus is mentioned varies, however, 10 more times in these two hymns is a fair estimate. (that’s 85 times)

Prayer after communion. The prayer after communion is typically short, ending in “… we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.” (that’s 86 times).

Concluding Rite. “The Lord (that’s 87) be with you” and “May Almighty God bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son (that’s 88) and of the Holy Spirit” and “The Mass is ended, go in peace to love and serve the Lord (that’s 89)”

Typically we sing a concluding hymn with an estimated mention of Jesus of about 5 more times without repetition. That makes a total of 94 times the name of the Jesus is mentioned in one way or another. The Mass takes about 60 minutes. So, during the Catholic Mass, we proclaim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior one to two times every minute.

Contrast this with the number of times Mary is mentioned in one way or another. Twice. Once during the Nicene Creed and once during the Eucharistic prayer when we pray “Father, in your mercy grant also to us , your children, to enter into our heavenly inheritance in the company of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, and your apostles and saints.”

It seems quite clear to me as a Catholic who my Lord and Savior is. ;)

God bless,



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